Tuesday 22 April 2008

When is Cheating Not Cheating?

Infedility really is a tricky subject. Hurt feelings, arguements over the kids, possible STD's because the sod did it with a prostitue in Amsterdam...GOD, It's just such a minefield!

But what about when infedility isn't really infedility?

I once went out with a girl, then i decided I didn't like her, I think she either smelt like cabbage or she didn't like Pearl Jam, either one is a dumpable offence in my book...

So I told her, 'Welcome to Dumpsville, Population: You!'...but with much more tact and style. She wasn't to happy about it, And told me in no uncertain terms that if i dumped her she would kill herself. Now I didn't particularly like the girl, but i didn't really want her dead, plus i didn't really know the legal implications, i was scared. So i decided to stay with her (like I had a choice!)

I then procedded to cheat on her quite often, not because i wanted to hurt her, just becuause i didn't want to be with her, and much prefered being with various other people. Needless to say she found out, dumped me and told all my friends I was a dirty dog.

The reason I share this story is to point out the fact that the reasons for infedility can be numerous, and it isn't as black and white as some people think.

If you tell someone you love them, and make a vow never to betray them, and you do, then that is morally wrong. But if no such vow is ever made, then really i believe you should do what you want, regardless of what society thinks. And sometimes you just have to do what you want, because surely the worst crime is betraying yourself and ssuppressing feelings

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