Wednesday 30 April 2008

Lying With Integrity

I never lie,Ever......See what i did there!??!

Lying can be in certain situations morally correct, here are a few

Does my bum look big in this? An pbvious one really

Do you like my mother? Another easy one

Did you have sexual relations with that woman?

Really though sometimes it is right to lie. The main thing to do is weigh up the poitives and the negatives. If lying is going to save someones feelings and get you out of a lot of trouble then why not do it? Everyones a winner.

If people never lied we would have a lot of hurt feelings.

Lie its fun and good for you.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Bad Comedians

Betnad Manning such a rubbish comedian, not only is he a racist he is also not very funny. Bernard Manning defence for his comedy was that it was a joke, and you shouldn't take it seriously. Part of me agrees with this. I hate the P.C police almost as much as i hate racists, but to some Mannings comedy wasn't a joke. It wasn't as if he was poking fun at sterotypes, he was simply trying to reinforce them. He wasn't moking the absurdity of sterotypes. At thats what good comedy does, it mocks and addresses the absurdity of life and situations and opinions, it doesn'y reinforce them.

Friday 25 April 2008


I haven't got any tattoos, but im pretty sure Im getting one. Its like the world on my wrist, but much cooler, and it symbolises my love of travel.

My friend has lots and lots of tattoos, all of which symbolise something and mean alot to him. He lives with the idea of getting a new tattoo for months before getting one and he pays quite expensive for them. He is what i like to call a Tattoo Snob.

My other friend has a few really cheap tattoos that mean nothing to him, usually he goes to a tattoo parlour with no idea what he is getting and just picks any old one without much thought. 'I call him something that sounds like Tattoo Snob...

My point is Tattoos when done for the right reason, with a lot of thought, can be great things, when done simply to look like your mates with no thought whatsover its just sad. Like anything really that involves changing your appearance it can be done for the right reasons or the wrong ones.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

When is Cheating Not Cheating?

Infedility really is a tricky subject. Hurt feelings, arguements over the kids, possible STD's because the sod did it with a prostitue in Amsterdam...GOD, It's just such a minefield!

But what about when infedility isn't really infedility?

I once went out with a girl, then i decided I didn't like her, I think she either smelt like cabbage or she didn't like Pearl Jam, either one is a dumpable offence in my book...

So I told her, 'Welcome to Dumpsville, Population: You!'...but with much more tact and style. She wasn't to happy about it, And told me in no uncertain terms that if i dumped her she would kill herself. Now I didn't particularly like the girl, but i didn't really want her dead, plus i didn't really know the legal implications, i was scared. So i decided to stay with her (like I had a choice!)

I then procedded to cheat on her quite often, not because i wanted to hurt her, just becuause i didn't want to be with her, and much prefered being with various other people. Needless to say she found out, dumped me and told all my friends I was a dirty dog.

The reason I share this story is to point out the fact that the reasons for infedility can be numerous, and it isn't as black and white as some people think.

If you tell someone you love them, and make a vow never to betray them, and you do, then that is morally wrong. But if no such vow is ever made, then really i believe you should do what you want, regardless of what society thinks. And sometimes you just have to do what you want, because surely the worst crime is betraying yourself and ssuppressing feelings

Saturday 19 April 2008

Master-what? Whars that?

Embarrasing stories out of the way......

When I was around 10 i had no idea what an erection was, sure i knew the whole physical thing of having an erection, but i had no idea what it was for. After a few weeks of occasionally getting one (probably caused by either watching Transformers, man i LOVED Transformers) I somehow came to the conclusion that it was a medical condition, my erect penis would somehow kill me, I was scared!

I decided that I was going to tell my parents, and they could rush me to ER and I could get this thing sorted...I dunno like drained or something, I didn't want it chopped off, I was kinda attached to it.

So that night I told my parents about my problem......

(PS did I tell you my parents were serious Christians,...Can you imagine? A small ten year old boy with the devil inside him, I was exorcised that night, and have never been the same since.)

When I was younger young boys maturbated, girls did not, it was disgusting and yakky. yet somwhow things have changed, women have became 'liberared' and women masturbating isn't such a taboo. Its crazy the young girls we used to question when we were like 15 who would respond with 'thats disgusting... are now the same girls I see walking out of Ann Summers with a giant bag in their hand..Im not saying its a bad thing, I just feel redundant!

Seriously though msale masturbation really doesn't seem to have the same taboo attached to it as female masturbation. Maybe this is a throwback to the days when women were at the beckon call of men, and the main pleasure women could get was the pleasure of pleasing their husband. I'm glad things are changing, any taboo breaking is a poitive I think. British Society has to many walls up when it comes to sex, we really do seem to be becoming more european in our opinions though, the pursuit of pleasure is being to take centre stage and this must be a good thing.
PS masturbation can help you loss weight to...

Friday 18 April 2008

Drugs are Bad?

Why exactly are some drugs illegal yet some drugs aren't. Alcohol, the cause of more deaths than any other drug, is legal, yet mushrooms and like arent't, even though mushrooms are responsible for a fraction of deaths ( it is difficult to get statistics, but deaths by magic mushroom are extremly rare)

I have friends that have taken magic mushrooms and they are a pretty mellow lot. I've been out in Wolverhampton late at night, and i'm pretty sure that the people headbuttling each other and being sick in the street aren't the ones on mushrooms. (They are the guys looking for parellel universes in puddles and trying to climb into the disco balls at Reflex.)